

Jack Gibson
18 x 14 x 12.5 cast bronzed ed of 30

I am reminded how extremely interesting the evolution of this sculpture was and how the final result was so completely unexpected.

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A short time after my return from Cuba I was reflecting on how impressed I was with Cuba’s incredible dancers and realized how personally important it was for me to create a sculpture representing either a modern or a folkloric Cuban dancer. In a short period of time I was interviewing dancer/models and did three separate photo shoots without finding the perfect subject.

Eventually and fortuitously Sarah modeled and I was impressed with her commitment and enthusiasm for the project. About an hour into the photo shoot Sarah announced that I had better hurry and find the best pose because she had just confirmed that she was pregnant and her shape was soon to change. At that point the lights went on and I asked her to return in seven months and I would begin at a point when she was obviously pregnant.

I loved a pose that she had provided previously and it worked extremely well for this bronze. Sarah in the later stages of her pregnancy was so warm, spiritual and elegant that it was a delight to try and recreate that feeling in this three dimensional, unforgiving medium. Sarah was a real lady and fantastic to work with, I only hope that the sculpture does her justice.